KONY 2012 from INVISIBLE CHILDREN on Vimeo . Make Joseph Kony famous. This is the new call to action by the non-profit organization Invisible Children whose mission is to educate people about the ongoing war in Central Uganda, who wants to make the world's worst living criminal famous so that people will know and care enough to bombard policymakers in doing something to stop Kony and his army. Over the past 26 years, Kony has abducted more than 30,000 children. He and his army rapes the girls and turns them into sex slaves. He arms the little boys with guns and forces them to become foot soldiers and do horrible things including killing their own parents. They mutilate people's face by cutting off their nose, ears and lips. As a mother I can only imagine the horror their parents are experiencing. So I am making a stand and I am counting on you to help me. Let us all work towards a better tomorrow for our children. By showing the world who Joseph Kony is and what dia...
Minds are like parachutes - they only function when they are open. -Paulo Coelho